If you are a project manager, you have often came across several jargons which includes ‘Agile’, ‘Scrum’ or ‘Kanban’ or even ‘Scrumban. Talking about agility it is something that a company can’t survive without. Agility gives a brand new façade to the organization whenever implemented.  

Adopting the Agile framework requires letting go of some outdated attitudes. A fixed mentality is a mindset or a set of beliefs that an employee adopts after through a particular training programme and amount of research to become an authority in their respective profession. Agile departs from this perspective and upholds its antagonistic set of values, i.e., the growth mindset.

Agile teams operate best when their members can form self-disciplined, self-motivated teams that can work through problems on their own without the assistance of senior management. The key is teamwork, and Agile emphasizes cross-functional rather than interdepartmental communication. For instance, in an Agile mentality, UI/UX designers collaborate closely with marketers, creatives, and other professionals to create the ideal product. Because no one works in a vacuum, Agile encourages collaboration among staff members.

Various approaches are employed to track projects. Scrum, Kanban, Scrumban, Lean, and other methodologies are some examples. The scrum, Kanban, and lean approaches have helped engineers identify problems and work to fix them.
They therefore had the idea to combine these two agile systems and call the result “Scrumban.”

let’s get started with what is scrumban methodology and how to implement scrumban methodology. 

What is Scrumban? 

A project management system called Scrumban combines key components of the well-liked agile approaches Scrum and Kanban. Scrumban was created in response to the demands of teams who sought to reduce batching of work and switch to a pull-based methodology. This framework combines the predictability and structure of Scrum with the adaptability of Kanban to increase team productivity.
This project management style combines the flexibility and visibility of Kanban with the structure of Scrum, making it a very adaptable strategy for managing workflow.

Cory Ladas initially used the term “scrumban” in a 2008 paper. In his book Scrumban: Essays on Kanban Systems for Lean Software Development, he later developed these concepts.

How to Implement Scrumban? 

Create A Scrumban Board 

A Kanban board and a Scrumban board are comparable. Add as many columns to your Scrumban board as your team requires to mark each distinct stage of progress since it will serve as your primary workflow tool. It’s crucial to just add the necessary amount of columns. To avoid making the procedure too complicated, make sure to limit the number of columns you generate to a few.

Set Your WIP Limits 

WIP restrictions are designed to keep team members concentrated on a small number of tasks and guarantee that real progress is being made toward finishing them. Productivity declines when the team is overloaded with jobs that are ongoing at the same time.

Setting a cap on WIP items for each column as a group is essential. This sets a cap on the volume of work that can be done at any given time. The number of total cards on the board at any given time will serve as the limit for Scrumban.

Prioritizing Tasks 

This feature creates a major difference from the conventional project management tools. For each sprint in Scrum, you’ll assign tasks to particular members of your development team. With this tool, however, such is not the case. In scrumban, there are no distinct positions like scrum master or product owner. Each team member is free to select the tasks they want to work on.

The team discusses the list of tasks and decides what needs to be done first as a group. Team members begin pulling the prioritized tasks from their queue as soon as they finish their current task.

Setting Daily Meetings 

It is always beneficial for the team to hold a daily standup meeting to catch up on everyone’s activities and go over the prioritized work list, even if there is no scrum master present to conduct it. Short standups allowing the team to discuss their plans and issues for the following day can be a part of scrumban meetings. Because your developers will be working independently on their jobs for a significant portion of the time, there may not be much opportunity for interaction in the absence of these brief sessions to promote team bonding and cohesion.

When To Use Scrumban Team?

Not every organization is a good fit for the scrumban technique. However, scrumban can be a flexible, cost-effective substitute if your agile teams are engaged in lengthy projects, finding scrum to be too rigid, or are short on resources. Following are the conditions that makes the use of this methodology a must: 

  • Handle Long term projects

The scrumban methodology is especially useful for projects that produce a never-ending queue of work with no set finish date. Scrumban is a suitable option if your team is working on a long-term or ongoing project without a clear end date. Since this methodology operates in sprints, the team can keep an eye on how things are going during review or planning times. This means that employing the Scrumban approach can keep cards flowing on the task board even if there is no deadline for an ongoing project.

  • Problems using Scrum 

The rigorous Scrum platform structure may actually be detrimental to the productivity of some development teams. Scrumban is an Agile strategy that can assist ease your team into the framework if they are having trouble adjusting to Scrum’s structure. Additionally, if the business lacks the resources to use the scrum methodology, scrumban may be a good alternate strategy. The team can learn essential Scrum framework components while retaining the flexibility of the Kanban technique thanks to Scrumban, a mix of Scrum and Kanban.

  • Creating a flexible environment

With Scrumban, product managers can create a flexible environment where the team may work at its own pace and maximize efficiency while taking into account its abilities, resources, and other specific factors. Scrumban merely specifies a broad range of projects and leaves it up to the team to decide how to effectively use its resources. It improves teamwork and makes it possible for workers to identify the projects best suited to their interests and skill sets.

How Scrumban Incorporates Scrum and Kanban?

Scrumban adding Scrum features: 

  1. Scrumban knows the definition of being ready, as like scrum it assures necessary levels of analysis that needs to be checked. 
  2. It aids the team in prioritization on demands. It helps to evaluate which work needs to be done at first 
  3. Between the backlog and doing, it used ‘ready’ queue to organize
  4. Coordinated with reviews and retrospectives, this method carries our iteration planning at regular intervals. 
  5. Based on the intricacy of the task and the sprint’s duration, decide how much work they can fit into the sprint.

Scrumban adding Kanban features: 

  1. Scrumban integrates the pull system and continuous workflow feature of Kanban 
  2. Limits on the number of things that are actively being worked on at one time (WIP)
  3. To reveal process flaws and spot improvement opportunities, use process buffers and flow diagrams.
  4. Individual roles are not explicitly defined.
  5. Put more emphasis on cycle time than burn down since if cycle time is predictable, then burn down must also be.
  6. Utilize policies to clarify process step transitions
  7. Focus on just-in-time analysis and planning with short lead times (rather than batch-processing for iteration planning estimations)

Benefits of Scrumban 

The main advantage of scrumban is that it makes use of all the scrum’s advantages while also pinpointing bottlenecks. It prevents stakeholders from making too many requests at once and forces individuals to operate at a moderate, sustainable pace.

Additionally, it seeks to locate and eliminate the bottleneck’s root problem. A manager may have too many things to sign off on, or a testing team may take too long because it is understaffed. The reduction of lead times is a result of eliminating bottlenecks. Thus, scrumban significantly enhances the project development cycle. Overall, it improves visibility and streamlines the workflow, enabling teams to work steadily.


Hybridized agile “may create paradigm-induced blindness,” according to the experts. This translates to people blindly following rules without question because they are so overwhelmed by the multiplicity of systems. The team also stops giving user stories story points, which is another part of scrumban implementation that we’ll go into more detail about later. The lean principles consider it to be inefficient.

This approach might not be as effective if you have a product manager or project manager who is really hands-on. There are no designated responsibilities on the Scrumban development team. This implies that everyone has equal freedom to decide what they believe is best for the sprint.

Frequently Asked Questions 

How is scrumban different from scrum? 

In contrast to Scrum, Scrumban is adaptable in production and performs well on huge projects. Scrumban concentrates on continuous work with 1-year, 6-month, and 3-month buckets, whereas Scrum is typically broken up into 1-4-week sprints with distinct sprint goals.

Is scrumban in Agile framework?

Yes, scrumban is a part of agile framework. It is a blend of scrum and Kanban project management methodologies. The hybrid agile project management methodology, which is ideal for product and agile development projects, combines the finest aspects of both agile project management approaches.

 Which is better Scrum, Kanban or Scrumban? 

We believe each methodology has its own perks. Scrum works best for initiatives that need to move fast and forward. For continuing initiatives, like offering a service, Kanban works best. For projects with both product and support features, scrumban works best.

What are the advantages of scrumban? 

The key benefit of it is that it utilizes all the strengths of the scrum while also identifying bottlenecks. It stops stakeholders from making a lot of requests all at once. This method makes people move along at a steady and sustainable pace. Project managers can use a scrumban board to identify the areas with the most work so they can fix any slowdowns quickly.