Data engineers are crucial to every business organization. Just like other business practices are shifting towards automation, business engineers and analytics also find it a need of an hour. Capital driven organizations needs to maintain large number of data. This large data maintenance put the data engineers to a task. We live in a world where data volumes are increasing quickly and organizations are told that every choice should be data-driven. It means it is the data that fuels decision making by the top management. Then why are data engineers in need of help? Erin Tavgac, co-founder and CEO of Redbird, explains that the issue is that they are chronically under-resourced and excruciatingly overworked.

Therefore, they came up with an idea of Redbird an ultimate rescue for the data engineers but also for the non-technical users of large data.

Let’s first enlist few of the problems which created an urge to create new data analytic tools for the non-technical users or for ensuring harmonization.

Problems with Prior Data Analytic Tools

We live in a world where data volumes are increasing quickly and organizations are told that every choice should be data-driven. It means it is the data that fuels decision making by the top management. In addition to this, there were various loopholes which have made this data analytics less helpful till the date. let’s enlist few of the shortcomings:

Lack of Automation

One problem is that automation has not occurred; according to some estimates, more than a trillion dollars are spent annually on manual data-related jobs, and according to Tavgac, two-thirds of that work ought to be mechanized. This lack of automation has made cross-verification compromised.

Non-fragmentation of Data

Most of the organization which haven’t shifted to automation or machine learning are still using traditional centralized practices of data collection. This results in large accumulation of data which is not well categorized. Fragmentation is a problem that businesses frequently face when they try to get the most value out of their data. Thus, for concluding or driving decision from such large amount of data these businesses frequently purchase four or five unrelated data products.

Lack of Coordination 

Lack of coordination is one other problem with large data management. This problem comes with improper segregation of duties plus the data. This means that firms are unable to manage the dispersed technologies inside a complicated data stack because data engineering teams are unable to satisfy all stakeholder demands.

Lack of Skillset

Most of the data engineer often lack the required technical expertise due to which data analytics and data coding or decoding become a difficult task  for them. Since it is not the data engineers who need data for decision making. There are various other people within organization from production department to warehouse to whom it is of equal importance. But they are many who hardly have any technical expertise to decode encrypted data or to use operating system.

The result of these issues taken together is that personnel in departments like marketing, sales, finance, and more are seeking assistance that data engineering teams have no chance of delivering in even remotely close to a timely manner. Smarter, quicker decision-making is the promise of data and analytics, a promise that is jeopardized if requests for a specific data project take weeks or months to accomplish.

Red Bird At Rescue For Non-technical Users



By linking all of an organization’s data sources into a no-code environment that non-technical personnel can use to execute analysis, reporting, and other data science tasks, Redbird, formerly known as Cube Analytics, serves as an analytics operating system. More no-code features will be added with the help of the new financing. The marketplace, where users and developers may trade apps they produce using Redbird, will also be expanded.

Redbird works with significant corporations in a variety of industries, including consumer packaged goods, manufacturing, retail, media, and agencies. Redbird was founded by data analytics experts Erin Tavgac and Deren Tavgac.

Deeper automation and orchestration across the data lifecycle are needed in every modern company, according to Redbird co-founder and CEO Erin Tavgac.

“We are making quick progress in enabling enterprises to create unique applications that address the particular demands of their many stakeholders.”

What does Red Bird Data Analytics Operating System Offers?

Redbird was developed to make it easier for everyone to build and use analytics within a company without the requirement for coding, lessening the burden on data engineers.

Analytical tools like Tableau, Looker, and Microsoft Power BI are among Redbird’s competitors in the enterprise data analytics market. However, according to Tavgac, Redbird does not view these tools as direct rivals because they do not fully automate complex workflows; rather, they only provide generic data visualizations from transformed datasets.

A whole array of far more automated data services, including collecting, wrangling, modelling, and reporting, are offered by Redbird’s operating system, which also has a user-friendly interface and does not require specialized engineering skills to utilize. The concept is that business function analysts should be able to manage many of their own data projects on their own with only a few point-and-click operations, freeing up data engineers to assist them on more challenging or technical tasks.

Large corporations with annual revenues above $1 billion make up the majority of Redbird’s clients. With seven-figure revenue and a 9x increase in sales over the previous year, it is profitable. Redbird makes money using a business SaaS model and usage-based license fees.

Future of Red Bird In Evolving Business Organization

Tavgac, who is currently Redbird’s COO, thinks Redbird will transform through time in a similar way to how these foundational technologies did. He anticipates being able to provide voice-activated commands, for instance, allowing users to organize data projects without ever touching a keyboard. He believes that ultimately third-party application developers would want to supply tools via the platform.

The company’s seed round may quicken the pace of its product development and growth.

“We think Redbird will become a mission-critical platform for organizations to manage complicated data operations- Karen Page, General Partner at B Capital,”