Since Jules Verne originally proposed the idea of the technology back in 1893, holograms have been a pipe dream for both tech and entertainment corporations as well as consumers. But since Princess Leia emerged in Star Wars over forty years ago as a floating figure, the public’s desire for such gadgets truly took off. Unfortunately, it seemed for a long time that such things would only ever exist in science fiction. The difficulties of building a 3D representation out of nothing appeared just insurmountable. Holographic technologies could also increase the effectiveness of currently offered goods and services in fields including architecture, 3D modelling, mechatronics, robotics, healthcare, and medical engineering.

This technology has the ability to revolutionize the game thanks to its many solutions. Finally, though, it appears that the time may be drawing near when that fantasy of true holograms becomes a possibility. Experts from all around the world have developed novel and creative ways to employ motion sensors, contemporary digital processors, and lasers to generate a variety of holograms that may transform the way we interact with and consume information in the very near future.

Here is our selection of the best hologram technologies available right now.

History of Holography or Hologram

The term Hologram is derived from Greek terms “holos” means “whole,” and “gramma”. It means message combined to create the English word “hologram” which refers to a whole message or a complete image. A 3D hologram is a three-dimensional representation of objects and animated scenes that enables purportedly real objects or animations to float unimpeded in space. Dennis Gabor, a physicist, invented the holographic technique in 1947.

Emmett Leith and Juris Upatnieks’ hologram from 1965, which created a discernible three-dimensional image and was a significant advancement over Gabor’s earlier technique and application, is frequently referred to as the first “real life hologram.” A train was realistically portrayed in the hologram created by Leith and Upatnieks. Because the image was entirely three-dimensional, viewers could change their perspective and even look behind obstructing objects to see details that were hidden from other viewpoints. A minor fad in holographic popularity began when the duo’s achievement was reported at the time-appropriately-in TIME Magazine and then in Popular Mechanics and Scientific American. In the early stages of its growth, this was dependent on expensive machinery and specialized knowledge. Holography is now accessible to budget-conscious enthusiasts thanks to the early 2000s’ abundance of inexpensive lasers and other equipment.

Real-time Applications of Hologram

Pepper’s Ghost

This is one hologram that you probably recognise if you like music. It’s an outdated illusion technique, yet fantastic new designs have made it. MDH Hologram, who prefer to refer to themselves as “digital resurrection” pioneers, was the first business to perfect photorealistic and versatile hologram technology for performance spaces. Concerts, theme parks, and theatre all employ this technology. Though it’s all about creating the illusion, modern technology has improved its allure. The holograms of Michael Jackson and Tupac indicate that it is also capable of being astonishingly lifelike.

The main pretence takes place on a stage that has been set up to look like two rooms or spaces: one that audience members can see inside of, and another that is off to the side and sometimes referred to as the “blue room.” In the main room, a piece of glass (or Plexiglas) or plastic film is positioned at an angle so that it reflects the view of the blue room toward the audience. Typically, this is set up with the blue room on one side of the stage and the stage plate rotated 45 degrees about its vertical axis.

The Haunted Mansion and Phantom Manor attractions at various Walt Disney Parks and Resorts have the largest execution of this illusion in the entire globe.

Physical Holograms

Researchers at MIT developed a tangible informed dynamic shape display called inFORM that can depict the shapes of people and objects on 2D surfaces, which is a tiny variation from the classic idea of a hologram but still really interesting in its own right). It uses up to 900 motor-driven columns in a small space, which helps to build shapes in real-time, to make it concrete. But most significantly, it appears extremely alluring and gorgeous.

The Aerial Burton Laser Plasma Holograph

A 3D image was suspended in the air by Aerial Burton using a plasma laser. It’s extremely basic right now, but it demonstrates that light may be seen without having to bounce it off of something. Any “hologram” instances up until this point have needed a reflective surface like glass, smoke, or water. The Aerial Burton discovery illuminates the atmosphere. So how does this happen without light reflecting back to our eyes? The system makes use of a 3D scanner to focus a 1kW infrared pulse laser on precise places in the air.

At this point, plasma is created when the air molecules get ionised. Due to the brief duration of these plasma bursts, the laser must pulse in order to maintain illumination.

A future where TVs are replaced with covert laser projectors that produce images out of thin air may be possible with improved resolution.

But for the time being, Aerial Burton is concentrating on making emergency signals with the holographic projector. The kit may be put on a car, which makes it suitable for erecting temporary signs. But it’s unclear what the future holds for this technology.

Fan Type Holograms

By using strips of RGB LEDs attached to the fan blades and a control unit to illuminate the pixels as the fan rotates, holographic fans are displays that create a hologram-like image that appears to be floating in the air. As the spectator can see through the quickly spinning display, this will fool the observer’s brain into thinking that the image is complete and that the shown object is floating in the air.

The quickly spinning fan almost disappears to the human sight, giving the projected object a background that is transparent. A recent innovation called The Hypervsn Wall advances this technology by producing fully HD visuals over 3 metres tall that at the very least look to float in the air, all while drawing only 65 watts of power.

Light Field Display Holograms

The two 3-D imaging technologies that are now being studied the most are holographic and light field displays. It is believed that the two imaging techniques offer constant parallaxes in order to produce a realistic viewing experience. The two 3-D imaging technologies that are now being studied the most are holographic and light field displays. It is believed that the two imaging techniques offer constant parallaxes in order to produce a realistic viewing experience. These holograms are similar to those you might have seen in children’s museums when you were a kid, but they are getting more sophisticated all the time.

Researchers are currently developing devices like the HoloPlayer One, which simultaneously broadcasts 32 views of a scene in their allotted directions, thanks to developments in LCD screens. Previously, a circular mirror could project the illusion of a 3D image from the right perspective.

Digital Holographic Tabletop

One of the most intriguing and simultaneously difficult 3D display system setups is the tabletop 360-degree display system . It contrasts with traditional flat-panel based 3D displays with small viewing zones due to its entire 360-degree viewing zone range, consequential innovative visual 3D experience, and essential enormous content data amount . Numerous academics have actively looked into the feasibility of a tabletop 360-degree 3D display because of its rarity and urgency.

Although Tony Stark’s hologram tables are still years away from being a reality thanks to current technology, a South Korean team recently made a significant advancement in that regard. They used a collection of multicoloured, highly powerful lasers along with a high-speed spinning mirror display that could be put into, you guessed it, a tabletop to create the first hologram in the world capable of being viewed concurrently in 360 degrees.

A number of technological problems need to be solved in order to build a workable tabletop holographic 3D display. First, commercial success requires a huge view volume, which is typically attained by implementing spatial or temporal multiplexing techniques.


Joanie Lemercier is a French artist who focuses mostly on how light is projected into space and how it affects the impression of the viewer. Most viewers are amazed by his most recent efforts with projection without a screen. Lemercier makes real volumetric projections using ultra-fine water particles, high pressure gas, and specialized nozzles. These projections interact with the audience thanks to tracking systems. It took an artist to master the technology for this kind of hologram, which has been available for years and has even been utilized extensively by magicians and filmmakers. Lemercier calls it the “no-logram.”

Without the use of glasses, a motion camera is used to determine where the viewer is in relation to the space and to instantly alter the projection to take into account their viewpoint. The end result is a very compelling image that appears to have depth and volume even though it is entirely flat. Unfortunately, the image can only properly display for one spectator at a time due to the nature of the motion tracking and the projection itself. By creating a system that combines compressed gas and water particles to generate something that genuinely has three dimensional depth that the “no-logram” can only simulate, Lemercier aims to address this issue in the future.

Hologram Call Booth

In more recent times, videogrammetry, the creation of 3D models using movies shot from various angles—has gained popularity, and Microsoft has made its Microsoft Mesh virtual collaboration tool available in limited preview. But the use of smart glasses and VR goggles limits the attraction of these devices.

Without the glasses, two venture-backed startups are already dashing viewers’ imaginations with supposedly related technologies. Portable plug-and-play, cabinet-based holoportal systems the size of a phone booth are now being shipped by Toronto, Canada-based ARHT Media and Los Angeles-based startup PORTL Inc. In both scenarios, a presenter around a studio can engage with viewers anywhere in the world via one or more booths that are connected to the firms’ networks over the internet in full-size, lifelike 3D form.

On the presenter’s end, a basic studio is needed that includes a boom or lavalier microphone, a 4K camera set on a tripod, a return-feed monitor that shows the presenter and audience member engaging, and a soft box that provides LED illumination. Ethernet, 5G, or Wi-Fi can be used as the internet feed. A platform for the presenter to stand on and move around on is also required. This stage is made up of cyclorama seamless white paper to provide a white backdrop and an acrylic board placed over the paper.

Even Google has also considered this technology as a more promising alternative for Zoom meetings.